Here are selected poems from my new book, How Can I Say It Was Not Enough? that won the Propel Poetry Award. The book will be published in spring 2025 by Nine Mile Press and distributed by Syracuse University Press.
Please click here and then scroll down to my name.

Beauty Is A Verb: The New Poetry of Disability
My craft essay “River Creature” and three of my poems appear in this groundbreaking anthology. Available on Amazon.
"One of the defining collections of the 21st century...the discourse between ability, identity & poetry will never be the same."
-Ron Silliman, author of In The American Tree
“At last we have a disability poetry book worthy of the complexity and maturity of the field of disability studies.”
-Lennard J. Davis, editor of The Disability Studies Reader
Read a review by Charles Bernstein, poet, professor, University of Pennsylvania:
“My heart nearly stopped every two poems. This is a piercingly focused work—one that is almost brutal in its intense beauty. While the poet’s personal circumstances may be singular, her themes are universal: the problematic love between mother and daughter; the hunger of longing; the quest we all undertake to come to terms with ourselves. Anne Kaier writes with poignancy, sure-footedness, eloquence, and power.”
-Richard Wertime, winner of the James A. Michener Memorial Prize
Book Review - In Fire (Anne Kaier) (wordgathering.com)
Ordering info: $10.00. Contact AnneKaier@verizon.net

Hear me read “Touching Matisse” and an essay excerpt about an attempted cure for my skin in France.
Read "Touching Matisse." Scroll to page 33: